The Bee-gining

Zuma, a word meaning honey in the Hausa language. A language you can find spoken by the peoples of northern Nigeria and Niger. The idea behind the creation of Zuma was away for me to connect back to my African ancestral roots of healing. Learning to take care of my body the natural way by seeing what the earth has to offer with nature’s natural medicinal abilities. My whole life I have battle with sensitive skin. Skin that was prone to dryness and eczema flare ups. Over the years I have tried everything to combat my skin inflammatory issues with little success. Taking over the counter solutions, being prescribed steroid creams, allergy shots, pills. You name it I have most likely have given it a try it. Dabbling into the holistic approach I began to research and experiment using natural remedies, honey being one of the heavy hitters in my research. Hints to the choosing of the name Zuma. Using my kitchen as a lab and myself as the test subject with years of mixing and blending, I created a soap and body butter gentle enough for my sensitive and dry skin. The soap both cleansing and soothing and the butter moisturizing and protective of the gentle skin beneath.

I am beyond blessed with this opportunity to bring Zuma By Jasmine to life and I am ecstatic to share my findings with you all. Zuma By Jasmine began as a home experiment to combat eczema and has now manifested into a brand of at natural remedies for dry skin, hyper-pigmentation, oil build up, and so much more. I would like to personally thank you all for your support. I love you all and I am so grateful. Now honey, it’s time to get back to our roots and use all this beauty that nature has to offer.

You’re Beeautiful Honey!


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